Paving new neural pathways

Mind health is core to overall health. Without it no other system can operate optimally.

Problems with cognitive processes are increasingly becoming more common. We prefer to use a diagnosis of “stuck”.

Dr. Panza offers a comprehensive and unique approach to these common complaints. She combines her knowledge of functional and naturopathic medicine to offer a variety of treatment options in addition to conventional prescriptions.

  • Microbiome and gut health optimization due to growing research to support the gut-brain connection.

  • Comprehensive thyroid studies and other hormone testing when appropriate.

  • Overall goal of increasing psychological flexibility.

  • Botanical & nutraceutical recommendations to support neurotransmitter balance.

  • Nutrition optimization to support adequate micronutrient levels needed for neurotransmitter and hormone synthesis.

  • We work with a variety of local providers and can provide referrals and recommendations when indicated.

Dr Jessica Panza

Dr. Jessica Panza ND

Dr. Panza enjoys general practice in conjunction with her occupational medicine practice. She provides comprehensive functional medicine approaches to both acute and chronic illness. While she manages a broad spectrum of medical conditions her focus is on cardiometabolic health (hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc.), mind health (anxiety, depression, etc.), gastrointestinal health (IBS, IBD, etc), and men’s health (weight loss, testosterone therapy, etc.). She practices medicine in a minimalist fashion and helps guide patients on how to manage their conditions with the lowest medical intervention possible. Trained in both conventional and alternative medicine she offers a wide spectrum of treatment options. She practices values-based medicine helping patients decide their best course of treatment that is most consistent with their values and goals.

In her free time she enjoys exploring all the PNW has to offer via hiking and backpacking with her husband, their two sons and their dogs. Her family is routinely involved with local church youth events through Calvary Chapel PA. In down time you’ll often find her in her garden enjoying a C.S. Lewis book.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. - Hippocrates.

“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” - C.S. Lewis